With the range of Web Site Optimization Resources included in the Web Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to start popularizing your brand new site, just after it’s been developed. With the RSS News software, you can quickly place a frequently updated news part in your website. Utilizing the GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily re–route your customers based on their location. Also, via the Sitemap Generator, you can make a comprehensive sitemap for your website and send it to the search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

Generate a sitemap with all your webpages in a mouse click

The easiest method of getting your recently launched website placed in the search engines will be to post a sitemap. The sitemap offers the whole set of pages within your site and by submitting it to a particular search engine, you inform it that you would like those pages to be indexed without delay. Sitemaps are usually generated by third–party applications. Nonetheless, here, you do not need to move out of your Web Hosting Control Panel. Rooted wolf vps’s in–house made Sitemap Generator is integrated into the Advanced Resources area and will generate a sitemap on your behalf in a click.

What you need to do is opt for the max quantity of pages you need to be indexed, the depth of the listed links and the format of the sitemap file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Location–focused redirections with a mouse click

Rooted wolf vps gives you a simple way to direct website visitors according to physical location. Via the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you’ll be able to route all customers who come from a particular location to a native language variant of your web site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian version of your site, you can quickly direct all the visitors coming from Italy to that particular web page rather than asking to move to Italian as soon as they visit the English variation. This enables you to present your visitors with an intuitive on–site stay from the very beginning.

It is not necessary for any specific skills or tech expertise to utilize the GeoIP re–direction tool. It’s all done with a click of the mouse.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most recent news on your site

In the Rooted wolf vps Web Hosting Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which lets you embed news from the most well–known media channels on this planet inside your web sites, with just a mouse click. Our News tool operates automatically and will not call for any extra configuration work on your end,

The RSS News Syndication unit is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You are able to customize the number of publication bits that are going to be shown, the way that they will appear like, precisely how they will be ordered, etcetera.

RSS News